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How to Simplify Your Travels!

How to Simplify Your Travels!

Photo by Rhon Saplad taken in Dadaepo Beach ,South Korea. If you are interested in this cool filipino photographer group..wait for that article coming soon πŸ™‚

I found myself in Cebu, Philippines with a big knapsack attached to my back, a laptop case on my left shoulder, and a purse on my right-ridiculous. When I was packing, I FELT like I needed all those clothes and products that took up nearly 3 bags that my human body had to lug around. At the end of my trip I noticed I only wore the 2 out of 5 pairs of shorts, 5 out of 10 shirts, etc etc. You get the picture!

So lets cut to the chase and go over the list I created of how I simplified my travels down to one bag for travelling long term!

1. You ONLY need one journal, send the rest home to your mom, family, bestie, dog, whoever. OR if you have written in all 5 of journals, piece them together into one.

2.Pack ONLY ONE or TWO books! What, NO FAIR!? NOPE! Look Earthling, you are not reading those 5 books on vacation and we already know you are going to find a bookstore in that country to add to your collection anyways!

3. 2 pairs of pants, 5 shirts, 2 shorts, 2 bikinis, 2 dresses, 1 jacket, 1 sweater, and 2 pairs of shoes. IF THAT IMPORTANT EVENT THAT YOU DAYDREAMED IN YOUR HEAD COMES UP, YOU WILL FIND THAT OUTFIT THERE.

4. Dr Bronners Magic Soap-I use it for everything! My favorite is the Tea Tree oil and Peppermint. I wash my face, my clothes, my hair, the sins of my past life, etc. You get the picture.

5. A small carry on makeup bag. I personally love using travel size items of my favorite bigger items and I always ask for samples at the beauty stores to add to my travel makeup bag. Or when in doubt, buy a bunch of sheet masks and use each night or morning to dose up your moisturizer if your skin is lacking-20 sheet masks for 20 days if you need to amplify your routine.

6. And for the love of everything in the universe don’t answer the phone to the toxic people in your life, while you are on vacation. If you can’t throw them away before the trip, at least pretend they don’t exist for the duration of it. Don’t answer her texts. Don’t pick up his million phone calls. Stay off social media, other than to post pictures to make the haters hate and let your family know you are doing okay!

Now go sip some tea and chill..remember number 6 is the utmost important!

PS! One way to start now is by keeping a track of what clothes you wear most often..this will help you pinpoint the ones you don’t really like, but are just for display.



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