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4 Unofficial random rules of travel

4 Unofficial random rules of travel

Let’s talk about travel in a different way. Give us something to think about as we are stuck at home -that may in return turn us into better travelers when the borders reopen-one with more compassion and respect, not just for others, but for ourselves.  

Introducing Teisha’s Non-official rules of travel ~

1. Just because it isn’t happening in your country, doesn’t mean it wont impact you .

-For Example; Coronavirus COVID19 has been around since December 2019. And yet many people continued on with their travels . Did we think it was only an ‘asian’ virus that wouldn’t impact the western world? Are we so Eurocentric in our thinking that even when the virus spread out of Wuhan and into South Korea, showing us how the virus spreads-we were still booking trips. Why? Let’s think about that. 

2. Someone else’s experience-is not your own.  “I won’t travel to this country, because they don’t like this certain race.”

So, you’re going to judge a whole country of people based off of some bad apples, and then turn around and get mad when people do the same to you? The hypocrisy in this is astounding-if you don’t want to be judged, then you shouldn’t be judging either. You guys are both doing the same thing-someone needs to take the high road here..and it should be you. Go show those people of that country who you really are, and that you aren’t just a stereotype-that’s how you change people’s mind. You get in front of them and show you aren’t that “gangster” stereotype that is displayed on the news-you show them you are a human too. That’s how you change people’s hearts..because even if only one person in that room see’s you beyond a stereotype-then you just changed someone else’s world- that my friend’s creates a chain effect that gets passed down to generations upon generations. 

..Now unless you really are a gangsta. then go on with yah bad self. . 

3. Just because you live in a big city and interact with many cultures on a daily basis-doesn’t mean you are more cultured than your suburban friend out in the boondocks. 

-Humans adapt to the environment around them. You are already in your familiar environment, your home country. It’s different when you travel abroad into another country that isn’t your own-it’s by far a different beast.  Just because you go up to Jackson Heights to get your henna done, have tons of indian friends and know why you don’t shake hands with your left-doesn’t mean you are that cultured and you have a reason not to travel. Sure, you know a little bit, but remember these are humans who migrated over to your country who are adapting to the circumstances around them-whereas you don’t have too. Try being in another country and see how the culture really is-it just may surprise you more than you know. 

4. For the love of God, learn to say the word Bathroom/toilet in the country you are travelling to-travel diarrhea is real and you will need a bathroom.

Let’s just say i’ve been in some places where that bathroom sign wasn’t so easily seen or existed at all. 

El Bano (Spanish) 화장실 hwajangsil (Korean) bagno (Italian) Tandas (Malay) ….so many languages in the world for bathroom,/toilet google it.

For now that is it..lets take some to ponder, reflect, and just breathe. 

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